I hate going to the grocery store. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to take my little one with me, but, alas, four year olds can't stay home alone and it's hardly worth paying a sitter for a grocery trip. Whenever we go to the store, he is all hands. He tries to put anything and everything in the cart. It doesn't matter if it's toilet bowl cleaner or frozen broccoli, he thinks we need it. What should be a thirty minute errand always turns into an hour when I have to take him with me. He actually behaves himself when we go other places. I don't know what it is about the grocery store that just screams "MISBEHAVE!" I've tried letting him take toys with him, talking to him the entire time, and I've even tried bribing him, but nothing works. I know I shouldn't bribe him, but nothing else seems to be working.
Okay, I'm done ranting. I've been doing quite a bit of work on my etsy store, Ginger's Gems, lately. It's looking pretty good. I need to take more photos today so I can list some more of my jewelry. I've also signed up for some local craft fairs and my husband and I did a flea market over the weekend. We made a few new contacts and sold some pieces, which means I met my goal for that little adventure. Hopefully I do well at the craft fairs I've signed up for.
I did pretty much nothing yesterday due to this miserable sunburn I've got so I'm just dying to go downstairs and start making something. Unfortunately, life has to come first today (stupid grocery store). But I will definitely be working on something later.
If you have a chance, check out Ginger's Gems and let me know what you think. I would love to hear some feedback. Have a great day!
Ginger's Gems